strings (either single- or double-quoted). Naive handling is OK (= you can assume that the strings don’t contain escaped quote marks. There aren’t any strings like that in the test program.)
"please"; "don't"; 'say "hello"'; 'world';
'say "hello"';
variable defintion with var. Variable names can be any sequence of alphanumeric characters that does not contain reserved tokens and that does not represent a number. Thus, a42 is a valid variable name, but a;42 and 42 are not.
var 4aa = -.123; var b3b = "foo"; var 1bßc = 0.; var d7 = 'bar'; 4aa; b3b; 1bßc; d7;
var 4aa = -.123;
var b3b = "foo";
var 1bßc = 0.;
var d7 = 'bar';
4aa; b3b; 1bßc; d7;