In the second jsonic tutorial, we made the language safer to use by adding contracts and unit tests. We made it easier to use by integrating the language with the DrRacket IDE.
Suppose we now want to share our jsonic language with other JSON enthusiasts, who are likewise eager to be free of JSON drudgery, yet don’t have our language-making skills.
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to do that. We’ll use a few more Racket tools to accomplish the following:
We’ll arrange our language into a distributable package.
We’ll share our language using the Racket package server.
After that, we’ll really be done. Anyone who has a copy of Racket—whether on Mac OS, Linux, or Windows—will be able to install and use jsonic.
As with the second jsonic tutorial, the tasks in this tutorial are optional. They don’t change anything about how our language operates. They just make it easier to use.